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Compression saves disk space, usually 40% to 60%.  How can that be bad?

If the table is being updated, it can be really bad...

Each time a column is updated, its compressed length can change.  If the length changes, a physical delete and insert can happen, instead of just an update.  Not good.

So, how about inquiry-only tables? 

Each time the data is accessed, it needs to be uncompressed before applying the WHERE clause predicates and returning the row to you.  I've benchmarked this several times and have consistently seen an 8% increase in cpu time when a large table is compressed.  Not a lot, so is it worth it?

It depends...




Some of my more recent thoughts:


Save billions per year in highway costs?

Here is my way...


Motivate kids to do better in school?

Here is my way...


 End the violence in the Mideast?

Here is my way...


 Health Insurance?

Here is my way...


 Thoughts of your own?

Email Bill