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Sales transactions at a large department store chain


We had a sales history database with tables for sales totals for each item at each store by day and week. The tables were in sequence by day/week, item and then store. We processed individual transactions, summarized them by day, week, item and store, then updated the database by doing either inserts or updates, depending upon whether the row already existed (do an update first; the row usually already exists; if it fails, do an insert). By accident, one of the programmers realized the files we were processing were sorted by day, store and then item, instead of day, item and then store. A quick review of the program showed that it worked the same with either sequence (it looked for changes in either store or item to trigger updating the database; it didn't care which changed.) This process ran for approximately 55 minutes every night. We simply changed the sort to the correct sequence and the runtime was cut to 15 minutes per night.

Why? Because the input sequence was store, then item, we were basically doing "skip-sequential" processing through the entire tables once per store (we had 100 stores). Switching the sequence meant we walked thru the tables one time, which dramatically increased the amount of updates/inserts done in the bufferpool, instead of requiring disk I/O. The cpu time did not change much, but the elapse time was cut by 73%.




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